Monday, April 21, 2008

13 days

Florence is still doing really well. It's been one week since our ER trip, and she's run no fever or showed any signs of anything being wrong. Friday evening, we went to my sister's for a birthday party and all her nurse friends were there. They kept commenting on how pink she looked (as opposed to pale and anemic) and how good her incision looked. That made me feel better as I'm still a little inclined to believe the worst about anything. Her swelling continues to go down and while she still has some bruising on her head, her eyes look normal. She has started doing this funny thing with her mouth where she sucks in her bottom lip when she smiles. This little trick has showed up about the same time as her recovery, but the timing is most likely coincidental. Anyhow, it makes her smile sweet and shy, especially with her eyes being still a little heavy lidded. She is good natured most of the time, though her temper continues to rear its ugly head in the evening. We've been receiving meals from our Marriage Encounter group which means that I only have to feed the brood rather than try to prepare a meal during the "whine and dine" hour. My neighbor and her daughter come over often to make sure I get a break from holding her all the time - I'm still not inclined to let her fuss it out - she is going to be SO rotten when this is over. My mom left Saturday so I'm back to doing my own chores and entertaining the toddler during the day. I'm so grateful that she was willing and able to come as long as she did, not everyone has that. We are incredibly blessed with so many people coming to help us out, really.

We're starting to venture out of the house a bit - going to the b'day party, going to church, today we took Alex to the park with his cousins and my sister. She's doing great and probably happy to get a change of scenery too. We go on Thursday to take out the staples - I'll feel good to get reassurance from the doctor that everything is as it should be.

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