Another big event for our family this month was that Charlie made

both his First Communion and Confirmation this month (ok, last month, I realize it's already May!!) The Diocese of Phoenix is changing things to reflect some pre-Vatican II practices of combining these two sacraments and giving them earlier. Some say its because they recognize "8" as the age of reason. Ha, whoever says this, doesn't have a 8 year old. I'm not sure Charlie truly appreciates what has happened. After all, he still can't sit still in Mass. This child can play video games without a bathroom break for upwards of 4 hours, but can't give one hour to stillness and quiet listening. And when asked to pick his Confirmation name, he chose Patrick..."because he likes the color green and he's always wanted to know more about the shamrock". Ask a kid, you get a kid's answer. But he did do all the projects and preparation, and willingly I might add. As his service project, he played violin at Christmas mass and regularly hands out programs before Mass. He loves greeting people, though he is still a little too shy to actually say "Good Morning".

There was one big Mass on a Saturday morning. The sanctuary was packed and overflowing as 60+ kids received these two sacraments. We didn't actually have the Bishop, but his helper Fr. Felt, who gave a very nice homily to the kids. Fr. Scott (our pastor) told me later that Charlie was one of the very few who remembered the proper responses for Confirmation. I gave credit to Aunt Eileen who was his sponsor, and who prompted him as we waited in line to make sure he did his thing right. Ginny and her two little ones attended mass with us. Fortunately, Eileen was able to come without her brood since that helped distribute the adults a little better among the kids who quickly got bored an

d frustrated with being trapped in church. Next year, I think I'll offer to open a nursery for the families. Charlie's neighbor friend, Sammy, came with us. It's hard to tell what she thought of all the pomp and circumstance (albeit it noisy and chaotic) of our Mass as she attends a Evangelical Christian church down the road. I do think she enjoyed being there for Charlie and what was clearly an important moment. It was a really beautiful service, and I couldn't help but be teary-eyed as my first born reached yet another milestone.

As Eileen stood up for Charlie, Monica stood up for Jimmy, one of Charlie's best friends from Kindergarten. Their parents led us to St. Bridget way back when and even though the boys no longer go to school together (Jimmy still goes to Queen of Peace), they still get together regularly. They just get each other.
After mass, there was a nice reception with cake and then we took Charlie to his favorite Chinese b

uffet resteraunt. It was a nice break from the usual Saturday lunch at the Golden Arches. This is a picture of Tony trying to feed Lucy some octopus!!!
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