The kids started back on the 12th. Charlie is in 4th grade this year, and Lu
cy is in 2nd. Lucy actually got the same second grade teacher as Charlie had. We like her. I'm getting to do my volunteering in the classrooms again, thanks to Tony and I'm also reading books for their library. I just love that little school. Charlie has moved up into the Advanced Orchestra there at the school. He also auditioned and got into the MYS (Metropolitan Youth Symphony) - the citywide youth orchestra. He's in the bottom orchestra, but it's good for him. He's playing now in a group of 87 instead of just the 15 or so in the school orchestra. It's going to be a challenge for him - just getting him to rehearsal is a challenge for the rest of us. Lucy has started piano lessons. I'm teaching her in the morning before school. It's been good for us. For all the friction between mother and daughter normally, when we're in lessons, we treat each other as teacher/student and so far it's working really nicely.

Alex and Florence are still hanging out at home with mom during the day. I'm trying to spend some time with Alex teaching him how to write his name and recognize his letters, but very often we just paint, color or read Curious George books. Oh well, I guess he can learn how to read at school, right?
Florence is an amazing girl. She is resisting potty-training. She's ready, just not
interested. She just held it for hours following me around, saying "I want a pamper". Oh well, she's young still. She does like to color and draw as well. In fact, she decorated our entire leather couch in black ballpoint pen. I thought it was gone for good. Fortunately the Queen of Clean led me to rubbing alcohol and while I'm sure I've damaged the finish, for now the leather couch is now white again. She is a stinker with a capital "S". She loves playing with baby dolls and is talking up a storm. It really is such a blessing to be home with her.